She laughed. “But I’m going to need another good hard f**k afterward.”

He groaned against her throat. “Will you listen to that dirty mouth?” he muttered to himself. “And she looks so deceptively sweet and innocent.”

“And then I’ll need you to hold me facedown so I can’t move while you pound your c**k into my ass as deep as you can.”

He shifted to cover her mouth with one hand. She could smell her sex on his skin. Her eyelids fluttered as her inner muscles clenched hard on his softening cock.

“Stop saying things like that.” Adam stared down at her with an intense, angry expression. “That’s what gets me so worked up in the first place.”

She was well aware of that; she loved to get him worked up. When he couldn’t keep his hands off her or his dick out of her, it made her feel sexy. Irresistible.

“I love you,” she said against his hand.

His expression softened, and his entire body melted into hers. “I love you too.”

After a lengthy kiss that made her toes curl inside her boots, he pulled out and rose to his feet. He removed his shoes and shucked his jeans, which had settled around his knees. He stretched his arms over his head, and she drank in the sight of his lean torso, solid chest, muscled arms and thighs, and that delightful trail of hair on his lower belly that drew her attention to his softening cock—still wet with her juices. Maybe she should offer to lick them off. Would that make him grow hard again?

“I hope that tub has jets,” he said, stretching his lower back by tilting side to side. “I’m getting too old for hot monkey sex on the floor.”

She hoped it had jets for different reasons. He leaned forward to offer her a hand up. She wouldn’t have minded enjoying the view for a few more hours, but a bath did sound heavenly. She struggled to her feet and when she moved, discovered her back was deliciously raw with rug burn. She wouldn’t be able to get Adam out of her thoughts for days with that reminder on her skin.


She tugged off her boots, but left her panties at the tops of her thighs, and followed him to the bathroom, eager to see what he had in store for her next. She wondered how long it would take her to tempt him into f**king her senseless again. He seemed determined to take it slow, which meant she was going to have to up her game.

Chapter Eleven

Adam turned on the faucets and adjusted the temperature of the water. With Madison in the tub with him, he should probably set it to frigid so he could keep his wits about him longer than ten seconds. Her hands slid up his ass as she moved to stand behind him. Case in point. When her fingertip pressed into exit-only territory, he jerked upright and spun around to capture her by the arms.

“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

“Repaying the favor?” She smiled up at him hopefully.

He didn’t have the heart to tell her he didn’t enjoy being penetrated. Not even by her sexy little fingers. “Get in the tub.”

She wriggled out of her panties and bent over to check the water. Luscious ass in the air, her legs were spread just enough to give him an eyeful of her hidden delights. A mixture of her cum and his dripped from her pu**y. Jesus. Had her view of him a moment ago been that revealing? No wonder she’d tried to press a finger into his ass. She didn’t protest a bit when he followed her example. He’d just spent himself inside her, but the sight of his finger penetrating her rear had his c**k rising with excitement again. And the sexy little oh she vocalized before rocking backward to take him deeper formed an undeniable knot of need low in his belly.

Yeah, should have gone with the cold bath.

He freed his finger and playfully swatted the gentle curve of her butt. “Into the tub, Miss Fairbanks,” he said. “You’ve been a dirty girl.”

“If I disobey, will you punish me, Mr. Taylor?” Her hips writhed suggestively. “I loved it when you spanked me until I made you come last time.”

He remembered the way her pu**y had clenched around his c**k with each swat—how fan-fucking-tastic it felt to come with her squeezing him inside her so tight—but he was determined to be gentle with her this time. To show her that sex didn’t have to be rough to be fun and exciting.

“No, I won’t spank you for disobeying, Miss Fairbanks. I’ll just get in first, knowing you won’t be able to resist joining me.” He climbed into the tub and sank into the water with a contented sigh. His weary body melted into the warmth. He switched on the jets and a mechanical rumble accompanied the water pounding against his lower back. He sank a bit lower and closed his eyes. Very nice.

Within seconds, Madison joined him, splashing his chest as she settled on the opposite side of the tub. When the level of the water reached his shoulders, she turned off the taps and sat before him with her back facing his chest, leaving at least a foot of distance between them. He knew what she was after. She liked that he couldn’t keep his hands off her. Since he wouldn’t want to disappoint her, he tugged her back against his front and waited for her to relax before he released his hold. They were both used to f**king like rabbits whenever they were naked and in each other’s sights, so it took her a moment to go limp against him and just enjoy the soothing heat and Jacuzzi jets. The weight of her body felt wonderful against his chest and belly. She felt so right and real tucked against him, as if she belonged in that exact spot.

Adam didn’t mean to get sexually excited again, but he couldn’t stop his c**k from finding the rump pressed against it extremely arousing. And damned if his hands didn’t have minds of their own as they moved to gently massage the soft globes of her br**sts. His disobedient fingers couldn’t help but toy with her ni**les when those delightful buds hardened into tight tips against his palms. It was totally not his fault that he couldn’t be around her for any length of time without wanting to sample every delight her body so willingly offered him.


“Hmm?” he murmured, not sure how it was possible to be relaxed and excited at the same time.

“Will you show me more naughty things?”

He grinned and rubbed his nose against her neck just behind her ear. “What kinds of naughty things?”

“Everything. I want to experience everything with you.”

“I don’t know everything.”

“You know more than I do. And I could look some things up and we can try them out,” she said.

He couldn’t see her face, but he knew she’d be blushing.

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