“Were you late because of me?” Madison asked.

“It’s fine,” Adam said. “He’ll get over it.”

“Oh wow, I feel it, Tags,” Owen’s female companion said. She had her entire hand down Owen’s pants and was moving it around inside the front of his jeans. “What’s it feel like when you’re hard? Oh! Do you leave it in when you screw?”

“That’s the only reason to get one. It feels fantastic.”

Madison made a mental note to share that tidbit of information with Kennedy. Her sister would be relieved to know Owen had pierced his fifth appendage for pleasure not pain.

The young woman’s free hand moved to Kellen’s crotch. He was sitting next to Owen, shirtless and sweaty, his long dark hair sticking to his bare chest. A heated flush made his strong cheekbones appear even more pronounced. “Do you have one too, Cuff?” she asked, fondling him through his jeans. “Can I feel it?”

“Uh, no.” Kellen lifted her hand from his crotch and dropped it on Owen’s thigh.

She then turned and reached across the limo toward Adam. Recognizing her intent, Madison slid onto Adam’s lap, blocking Miss Touchy Feely from finding her target. Madison glared at the bold woman, whose gaze lifted from Adam’s suddenly hidden lap to Madison face. “Does Adam have his c**k pierced?” she asked.

“None of your business,” Madison said.

“I’m sure his fingers move really fast when he strokes you down there, huh? You should ask him to play the solo to “Light Me” on your clit. That should get you off in, like, five seconds.” The fangirl nodded at Madison’s lap, lifted her eyebrows up and down and then laughed until she snorted.

When Madison just stared at her as if she’d escaped a loony bin for sluts, Miss Touchy Feely stopped laughing and blew a raspberry. “Old prude.”


Madison bristled.

“You’re really getting on my nerves,” Owen said, pulling his fondler’s hand out of his pants, rearranging himself as discreetly as possible and securing his fly. “Bye now.”

He leaned out the open door, said something to one of the security guards just outside and in an instant, the girl was gone.

“Since when do you care how obnoxious a babe is behaving as long as you’re getting laid?” Kellen asked.

“Madison doesn’t need to see someone acting like that,” Owen said. “She’s . . . nice.”

Nice. It didn’t feel like a compliment. Madison kept encountering the women who naturally hung around the band and nice wasn’t the first descriptor that came to mind. Maybe that was why she felt so out of place.

“She also makes the best gingersnaps I’ve ever tasted,” Owen added.

Adam growled and tried to kick him, almost unsettling Madison in the process.

The band’s drummer, with his black and red mohawk, tattooed scalp, and startlingly green eyes, slid into the seat next to Owen. If Adam was damp, and Kellen was wet, then Gabe was drenched. Madison wasn’t sure how Owen managed to look like he’d just stepped out of a styling salon. He didn’t have a single hair out of place.

“Hey, Gabe, where’s Shade?” Adam asked.

Now that Miss Groupie, make that Miss Grope-y, was out of the car and Adam was no longer in danger of sexual harassment, Madison tried to shift off his lap. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her from moving away.

“I think he’s on the phone arguing with Tina again,” Gabe said.

“He can do that at the hotel,” Adam said. “Let’s go.”

“Keep your pants on, Adam,” Kellen said.

“If you had this woman on your lap, would you want to keep your pants on?”

Madison flushed. She could not believe he’d said that.

“Well, no. I’d already have my pants off if I was in your situation,” Kellen said, “but you might not want to piss Shade off any more than you already have. He’s having a bad day.”

“Which I’m sure he blames on me,” Adam said. “Just like he blames everything on me.”

Shade slid into the car next to Adam and the door shut. Someone slapped the roof of the car and it moved forward.

Shade was still clutching his cellphone and didn’t spare any of them a glance, not that it was easy to tell what his gaze was fixed on as he always wore a pair of aviator sunglasses. While Owen enthusiastically described some sex club in San Antonio to Kellen, who seemed interested, and Gabe, who did not, Adam’s hand kept wandering under Madison’s skirt to stroke the inside of her thigh. Shade stared out the tinted window and didn’t say a word to anyone. Madison’s need to counsel him was overwhelming. She extended a hand in his direction and opened her mouth to ask him a question, but thought better of it and pursed her lips.

“Come on, Gabe,” Owen said. “You’ll have a great time.”

“I told you,” he said, running a finger along his head at the boundary of his mohawk. “I have this thing I’m working on with Melanie.”

“What thing?” Owen asked with a smirk. “Does it involve batteries or a gas-powered generator?”

Brows drawn together, Gabe bit his lip and punched Owen in the thigh. “A relationship. You know, commitment?”

“Never heard of it,” Owen claimed as he elbowed Kellen in the ribs.

Madison’s attention turned to Gabe. She’d never known any of the band members to commit to a woman in the entire year she’d been acquainted with them. If Gabe could manage it, then maybe Adam could hang out with him while the other three went out and fooled around with their grope-ies. Or went to sex clubs. Or whatever other activities they partook in that might involve the indiscretion of Adam’s dick.

Owen’s blue eyes shifted to Adam and then immediately diverted to Shade. Apparently he knew better than to ask Adam in front of Madison. “You’ll come, won’t you, Shade?”

As the sound of his name, Shade pulled his strict concentration from the dark streets outside the car. “What?”

“This club I heard about in San Antonio. You’re coming, right?”

“Sex club?” Shade asked, as if it was their most typical excursion.

“Oh yeah.”


“Day after tomorrow.”

“Exclusive?” Shade asked.


“I’m in.”

Owen glanced at Adam again. Madison could tell he wanted to ask Adam if he was going, and she wanted to hear Adam’s response. Did he go to sex clubs often? Was that where he’d learned to be such an amazing lover? She wasn’t even sure what went on at sex clubs. Sex, she presumed, but would it be like a brothel or a free-for-all orgy or what?

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