The crowd roared its approval as Adam started the intro to “Light Me.” By the time the rest of the band entered the song and he gave his left hand a half-second of rest, his fingers did feel like they were on fire. He loved the challenge of playing that intro live. Only the song’s minute-long solo offered a greater test of his skills. Adam had been so high when he’d written “Light Me,” he was surprised he’d been able to find the strings, much less compose his most inspired piece of music. He wondered what magic he’d be able to create now that he was sober. He only had one person to thank for the blessing of his sobriety.

Adam searched for Madison in the wings and found her gazing at him in worshipful awe. He’d much rather put that look on her face in bed, but of the fifteen-thousand people giving him their undivided attention, it was her opinion that mattered most.

By the end of Sole Regret’s set, Adam was overheated and his clothes were soaked through with sweat. Despite the amount of energy he’d expended, he was too amped to be tired. He had plenty of energy to spare and when Madison took several steps onto the stage so she could wrap her arms around him, he knew exactly what he wanted to do to drain his remaining strength.

Chapter Eight

Madison didn't mind the dampness of Adam's T-shirt as she wrapped him in a tight embrace and buried her face in his shoulder. She couldn’t stop her tongue from collecting the salty tang of sweat from his neck. The guitar cutting into her belly only increased her awareness of him.

Watching Adam perform and seeing how much his music meant to so many people infused her with pride. And worry. She couldn’t compete with the crowd or his music. Maybe she could steal him away from the world and keep him all to herself, but she had no business getting in the way of his music career. No right to make demands on his time that might interfere with his continued success. Yet could she give everything to this relationship and expect so little in return? Would she ever be happy with him? Would she ever be happy without him?

Her arms tightened, drawing him closer still. She never had these confusing thoughts when they were alone together, just when she was confronted with his infamy. And fame was part of who he was. She had to come to grips with that somehow or this relationship would never work.

“I need a shower.” He rubbed his nose against her ear, his labored breathing stirring stray hairs against her neck. “Care to join me?”

She nodded and held him more tightly.

“Let's go to the hotel,” he whispered into her ear. “I can't wait to be alone with you. I can smell your pu**y all over my left hand. Every time I caught scent of it, I wanted to say screw the concert and drag you off to a secluded corner for another vigorous f**k.”

She didn’t know whether to celebrate him telling her how much he wanted her or if she should feel guilty for breaking his concentration on stage. He had a lot of people who depended on him to perform at his best.


“Sorry,” she said to his chest.

“For what?”

“Making things difficult for you.”

He pulled away and captured her face between both hands, tilting her head back so she had no choice but to look into his eyes. “I'm not sure what you're so worried about, but stop it. It’s starting to piss me off.” He didn’t sound the least bit angry. He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. “I don't want you to worry about anything for the rest of the night, except how you want me to make love to you next.”

She forced her concerns to the back of her mind. She knew when they were alone together all the worries that weighed her down wouldn't even be considerations. He had a way of making her forget everything but the moment. Everyone but him.

“Maybe the hotel suite has a bathtub made for two,” she whispered.

“Baby, as far as we’re concerned, all bathtubs are made for two.”

He handed his equipment to an anxious roadie, took Madison’s hand and led her toward the back of the stadium, where the limo was waiting for the band. Owen and Kellen were already inside the car.

Owen had discovered Adam’s container of gingersnaps and was scarfing them down one after another. He seemed oblivious to the young woman tugging on his belt.

“I want to see it,” his companion said. She had his zipper undone and her hand down his fly before Madison and Adam had even settled in the seat facing them. Adam cleared his throat to gain Owen’s attention and then nodded in Madison’s direction with his eyebrows lifted.

Owen caught the lady’s hand and tugged it out of his pants. “Later,” he said. “We have company.”

Apparently Kellen didn’t count as company. Madison realized Owen would be having a lot more fun right now if she hadn’t shown up.

“Don’t mind me,” Madison said. In actuality, she wanted to see it too—assuming the woman struggling to return her hand to Owen’s crotch was interested in his piercing.

“Are those my cookies?” Adam yelled and yanked the container out of Owen’s hands. A single gingersnap rattled around at the bottom of the bowl. Adam stuffed it into his mouth and then threw the container at Owen’s head. “Fucker,” he said through a mouthful of cookie.

“They were delicious. Did your girlfriend make them for you?” Owen said in a teasing tone.

“Yeah, she made them for me. Not you.”

The fact that Adam hadn’t denied she was his girlfriend had Madison struggling to find air. He took her hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze. Did she look that freaked-the-fuck out? She felt like a skittish horse being saddled for the first time. Was this really happening? Was Adam claiming her as his girlfriend? Publicly? What would her life be like if the media discovered they were dating? Would her face be posted all over the Internet and the tabloids? Would jealous fangirls find Madison’s every fault and insist she wasn’t good enough for the perfection that was Adam Taylor? Was she ready for this? There was no question that she was ready to love the man, but she wasn’t so sure about loving the rock star.

“Where are Force and Shade?” Adam asked. He craned his neck to look out the window.

“Don’t like waiting around for other people?” Owen asked. “Does it piss you off when your bros don’t value your time?”

Adam huffed and shook his head. “Don’t you start in on me too.”

“What’s he talking about?” Madison asked.

“Shade was pissed that I was five minutes late to the show.” Adam rolled his eyes as if Shade was the inconsiderate ass.

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