“I’m here, Sed. Everything’s going to be okay.”

He didn’t respond. Not even with a twitch, but that was okay. They were together. That’s all that mattered to her.

Chapter 45

Sed felt like he’d been run over by a train. He peeled his eyes open, but everything was blurry, so he closed them again. He tried to remember what had happened. He remembered being onstage, the pain in his throat, and choking on blood, but nothing after that.

He lifted his hand and winced as something tugged at a vein in the back of his hand. He tried his other hand, but someone was clinging to it. His throat felt strange. He couldn’t even swallow properly and he couldn’t close his mouth.

Panicked, his heart thudded in his chest like a jack hammer. He jerked his hand away from his unknown visitor’s and reached for his throat. Someone stopped his progress.

Jessica whispered, “Sed, it’s Jessica. You’re in the hospital. Can you hear me?”

He tried to form words, but nothing came out. Not a solitary sound.

“Don’t panic. There’s a tube in your throat to keep your airway open. As soon as the swelling goes down, they’ll take it out. How are you feeling?”

He rolled his eyes toward her and she smiled at him, her fingers stroking his hair. He tried to convey his level of displeasure with a look, but she seemed oblivious. What was she doing here? She was supposed to be in school.

“You’re getting your color back already,” she said. “I couldn’t believe how much you bled. They had to give you a transfusion.”


He freed his hand from hers and lifted it to his neck, wanting her to tell him about the injury. He hoped she knew Sed sign language, because he had a lot of questions.

“Everything’s going to be okay,” she promised. “You blew a vessel inside your throat. It’s not near your vocal cords or anything, but you’ve got to let it heal. That means no singing and no talking for at least a week.”

He mouthed the word “What?” to the best of his ability.

“It won’t be so bad. I’ll take care of you.”

He gave her a stern look and pointed to the door.

“I’m not leaving, Sed. And you can’t tell me what do, because you can’t talk.” She offered him a self-satisfied grin. “I’m dropping out of school to take care of you.”

He shook his head vigorously, but had to stop because it sent waves of pain down his throat.

“We need to talk. Well, I need to talk and you need to listen.”

“Jess…” he tried to say, but her name came out as a huff of air.

“I’m never going to pass Dr. Ellington’s class. Let me tell you why.” As she told him how her professor had nonchalantly revealed their video to her classmates, Sed’s fist clenched tighter and tighter. Why did people always treat her so unfairly? Didn’t they see how wonderful she was? He couldn’t stand the thought of her giving up her dreams because someone else thought she should. He wrapped an arm around her and urged her head down on his shoulder so he could rub her back and stroke her hair with his free hand.

“So I guess it didn’t matter that I got a chance to earn my scholarship back.”

Sed couldn’t believe how calm she was about the situation. Shouldn’t she be fighting that Dr. Ellington bitch tooth and nail? He supposed a person could only take so much abuse and humiliation, but Jessica wasn’t the type to take injustice lying down. That was one of the things he loved so much about her.

A nurse entered the room. “Good to see you’re awake, Mr. Lionheart,” she said. “Are you comfortable? One blink for yes, two for no.”

Was he comfortable? He had a f**king tube down his throat. Did she really need an answer to that question? He blinked once though.

“Later, we’re going to take that tube out and see if you can swallow, but you have to promise me that you won’t try to talk. You have a lot of damage in there and if you don’t completely rest your voice, there’s a chance you could lose it permanently. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

He blinked once, but knew it would be damn near impossible not to talk. Especially when Jessica was making one of the stupidest decisions of her life.

Jessica leaned back and looked down into his eyes. “You’re not going to chase me away again,” she said. “I don’t care how much of an ass**le you pretend to be. I know better.”

He rolled his eyes at her and she smiled.

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t speak,” Jessica said to the nurse. “Even if I have to keep his mouth shut with duct tape.”

The nurse grinned. “Good, because I get the feeling that this one doesn’t follow instructions.”

Sed tried to protest, but realized it was no use.

“The doctor will stop by soon to explain your condition better.”

Sed gave her a weary thumbs up. When she stepped out of the room, Jessica climbed to sit on the edge of the bed with him.

“I’ve got our entire situation figured out,” she said. “This is how things are going to be between us.”

Oh really? He was interested to know how she’d figured out an impossible situation.

“First, we’re dating exclusively. No more games on either end. Are you in agreement? One blink for yes. I’m not taking no for an answer.”

He tried grinning around the piece of plastic between his teeth, but it hurt his mouth, so he blinked. Once. A beautiful smile lit her face.

“Great. I’m moving into your condo while I finish school…”

One blink.

“…but I’m paying rent.”

Two blinks.

“You are not allowed to argue with me, Sedric. I’m calling all the shots here. Also, I’m dropping out of law school.”

But she’d just said she was finishing school.

“I’ve decided it’s not what I want to do. I still want to help people, that’s why I was going to become a lawyer, but I think I want to become,” she flushed, “a nurse. Don’t laugh.”

He couldn’t have laughed if he tried. And he wouldn’t have tried anyway. She’d make a wonderful nurse. She was gentle and caring, yet tough enough to be perfect for the job. But none of that mattered. Suddenly giving up on her lifelong dreams had nothing to do with a change in interest and everything to do with the people at that school who had power over her. And when Sed was back on his feet, he would be exerting his power over them, even if it meant Jessica would never forgive him.