“‘High chance’ might be overstating things a little.”

“I suppose you believe you can offend anyone without consequences now that you’re linked to Knox through his anchor.”

“At least you’re acknowledging that I’m his anchor,” said Harper, not entirely convinced Isla genuinely believed that.

“As I said to Knox when we spoke earlier today in his office, if he’s so very certain that you’re his anchor, it must be true.”

Harper nodded. “Yeah, he’s not the delusional type.”

With one last fake smile, Isla headed for the dais.

Lifting her champagne flute, Harper quietly said to Knox, “You didn’t mention Isla paid you a visit.”

“I was distracted by…other things.”

Picking up on his insinuation, she snorted.

“Are you still wet?”

She nearly choked on her drink. “Of course not, I’m bone dry.” He just chuckled. “Do you think she’s honestly accepted that she’s not your anchor?”


“I doubt it.”

“It seems it’s time for Isla to have her moment,” announced Jolene as the vamp-banshee leaned on the stand. Silence descended, but it was a wary silence.

“Good evening, everyone,” said Isla with a courteous smile. “I have long believed that it should be a basic right for each demon to have a say in their own life, which is why I have fought hard to have this election and enable every demon to have a say in this matter.” She looked at the camera as she continued. “Many of you will already be aware of my opinion that it will benefit our kind to implement a pyramid hierarchy of power within the U.S. Malden will tell you that a hierarchical system will never work.” She chuckled. “But this is the same person that said the Underground would never be a success, and look where we all are now.”

To be fair, that was a good point.

Gratification lit her face. “There is no stronger preternatural species than ours. None. We can pride ourselves on that, and we do. Yet, our kind suffers more deaths than any other species. Why? Because we have no laws, we have nothing at all in place that gives us any protection – not from outsiders, and not from ourselves.

“Lairs target each other in the hope of expanding their power. In doing so, they cause suffering to their own. How is that beneficial for us? How many of you have lost people you cared for? How many of you have suffered because of such greed? I do not feel I can allow that to continue, and I find it difficult to believe that any of you can overlook this.”

If I didn’t know what good a liar she is, I might have bought that devastated look on her face, said Knox. His concern was that many others would buy it.

“It is not simply strays and small lairs that are vulnerable,” she continued. “Each and every one of us are in a weak position when it comes to the matter of our main enemies – dark practitioners. Do we unite against them? No. Primes are so busy keeping power for themselves that they are blind to the truth. We have made ourselves easy prey. Demons are not built to be prey. We are predators through and through. Still, this is what we have done to ourselves. Apart, we are vulnerable. Together, we are strong.”

She focused on the camera. “If I am elected, I will put in place a pyramid hierarchy that is similar to the layout of authority that exists within each lair. A constitution will be formed that stipulates and restricts the power and influence of each level within the hierarchy. Primes will still have power, but they will also have regulations that prevent them from warring with each other. This will protect all of you.”

Her hand balled into a fist. “Our kind needs a Monarch that will bring changes, will find solutions, and will give equal rights to every demon. Malden promises us all a voice, yet his lair stole my campaign materials and removed them from every establishment within the Underground.” Whispers traveled around the room, and an angry flush marred Malden’s cheeks. “That not only takes away my voice, it takes away your right to have an unbiased opinion. He doesn’t promise you a voice. He promises you the illusion of a voice.”

Even Harper could admit that much was true.

“What do I promise you? Security. A guarantee that no one will ever again target you, no matter who you are – a stray, an average demon, a Prime. If you elect me, I will build a Force that will protect us against dark practitioners; a Force that will hunt down and punish those who have taken our friends or families. I will provide protection for strays, who have the right to be without a lair and still have the protection that every other demon is granted. I will ensure that lairs are no longer able to terrorize others.

“This is not just about electing a Monarch, it is about choosing how our kind would like to live. None of us want our species to remain prey. You can change that. How? By electing a Monarch; by electing me. I hope you make the right decision.”

“That was a clever speech,” allowed Jolene. “And that worries me.”

Isla smiled, spine straight. “If anyone has any questions, I will be happy to answer them.”

A female Prime called out, “What makes you think a hierarchy will be better than simply having a Monarch?”

“Look at your lairs. You have a hierarchy within each one, do you not? It helps maintain order. It makes people feel secure, because they know exactly where they stand. It helps the demons on the lowest level of that hierarchy feel secure, because they have the knowledge that they are protected. Rules and regulations keep things running smoothly. At present, we do not have those.”

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